
Gray Gaulding’s Name The Most Reassuring Thing About BK Racing

An offseason of turmoil has led into a 2018 Nascar Cup season of uncertainty for BK Racing. In fact, the most reassuring thing about the team currently is it’s driver’s name—Gray Gaulding. 
“Every day I show up for work I know it could be the last”, said pit crew member Steve Hunter. “From late paychecks to terrible finishes, there’s not much for this team to rely on. But at least the guy out in front, our driver, has the kind of name that instantly puts you at ease. 
“Gray Gaulding”, Hunter said, a smile creeping across his face. “See? Makes you feel better just saying it.”
Gaulding is a relatively unheralded driver with a thin resume in Nascar’s national touring series. However, while a poll revealed that less than 8% of fans know who he is, a whopping 91%, when informed of his name, believed he could be the kind of reliable, reassuring person who could work for a retirement planning firm or be a small town accountant. 
“With a name like Gray, that alone has a calming effect on the psyche”, said psychologist Zane Brian. “When you add in the Gaulding, it ascribes a level of maturity and steadfastness one doesn’t expect to find racing for a team currently in bankruptcy proceedings.”
BK Racing is currently sparring with suppliers, partners, and the IRS in court. The presiding judge was prepared to order liquidation, until being informed that Gaulding had been hired to drive for the team. The judge is now reportedly “willing to let this thing play out—after all, the driver sounds like a reassuring guy.”