
Denny Hamlin Now Communicating Exclusively in Sign Language

After over a week of controversy involving his comments on other drivers and interactions with Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr., Nascar star Denny Hamlin has announced that he will only be “speaking” in American Sign Language for the foreseeable future.
Denny's not the first Nascar driver to
communicate in sign language
“This is my last official statement for awhile”, Hamlin told a group of assembled media before today’s race.  “From now on, I will only speak using my hands in sign language.  From now on.  Starting now.”  Hamlin then slammed his hand on the podium for effect.
Hamlin apparently learned how to communicate in sign language for a recent Toyota Racing commercial, in which he “speaks” with a hearing-impaired fan before a race.
“I’m not about doing anything partial-way”, Hamlin signed for the media members.  “When I had the opportunity to learn this beautiful way of speaking, I decided to learn it everything.”
Hamlin’s new vow of “silence” appears to also transfer over to Twitter, where he is only communicating in emoji’s as of this morning, his most-recent post being a series of smily-faces and cars.
“I desire they had a black and orange car for my phone”, Hamlin continued to sign.  “I can still speak so much through Twitter, and with this language I have mastered so fastly.”
As a result of the switch to non-verbal communication, Hamlin appeared to shrug off commenting on rumors that he has refused to talk to Bubba Wallace Jr. following their dust-up at Daytona.
“There’s nothing for me to say”, Hamlin signed, “about the Bubba.  He makes his decisions and I concrete flower New Jersey—“
Hamlin then broke his vow, yelling out “AHH, hand cramp!”