
Uncle Max: The Year in Review and Postseason Preview

A look back at a season of weekly picks from Spade Racing’s writer/webmaster/janitor Mike Mackler’s uncle.

The 2017 season is over, and not a moment too soon!  Things are really ramping up at work for the holidays, to say nothing of friends and family.  My nephew Mike has told me that he’ll be providing weekly long-form pieces all throughout the offseason, and that you should check in regularly to see what’s coming up next.
But that’s not the best part—guess what?  I’m coming back in 2018!!!  That’s right, I’ll be providing picks again just like this year, next year.  Apparently Mike is considering some sort of “competition”, but my results speak for themselves:

Anyways, here’s how my picks did for the entire year:

Truck Series—5 wins

Xfinity Series—7 wins

Cup Series FAVORITE—5 wins  NEXT FAVORITE—3 wins  DARK HORSE—1 win