
Elliott Blames Self for Late-Race Caution

After losing today’s race at Chicagoland due to a late caution, Chase Elliott was quick not to blame driver Michael McDowell for blowing a tire—instead, heaping the blame on himself for the incident.
“That was all my fault, 100% there”, Elliott said in a dejected tone post-race.  “I think I mist have leaned on the 95 (Michael McDowell) car at some point during the pre-race.  I just gotta get better at these careless errors if I want to actually win a race.”
Video evidence showed no proof of any kind that McDowell’s blown tire was anything other than a random mechanical failure, but Elliott was hearing none of it.
“No, I’m not gonna shift the blame around—this is all on me”, Elliott interjected upon seeing the footage (or lack thereof).  “This was driver error, and I’m the driver.  Stuff like this can’t keep happening to us in the Chase, especially if its my fault, like it always is.”

Media member were later seen suggesting that Elliott seek out counseling for his self-esteem issues.