
Two Lowe’s Sponsored Cars Cause Confusion in Post-Race Interviews

For the first time in recent memory, two different cars had two different sponsors with almost identical names—the 48 car with Lowe’s Home Improvement Centers, and the 9 car with Lowe’s Food Stores.  This caused more than a little mayhem for the media in post-race interviews.
“Well, uh, we haven’t really been that good all year, so it didn’t really change much”, Sam Hornish Jr. said when asked how being out of the Chase affected his performance this year.  “And I care about the workers at Lowe’s, but why are so many PR flaks asking me about them?”
“Look, we JUST re-upped our contract, I’m not going anywhere next year”, Jimmie Johnson angrily responded to questions about if he’d lose his ride after the 2015 season.  “Our sponsorship is rock-solid, our team isn’t sinking, we’re good to go, so leave us alone!”
The confusion stems from the better-known Lowe’s (the hardware chain) being started by the father of the supermarket’s founder.  Customers seem to have avoided any confusion, though the media appeared to have problems telling the two apart.

“What do you mean ‘go BACK to IndyCar’?” Johnson was heard saying.  “Well, at least you’re not asking me about football again.”