
Spade Racing Motion Picture Previews: Late Summer Edition

With the temperatures about to drop (hopefully), and an exciting football season around the corner (hopefully), there’s precious few days left for Hollywood to lure Americans to the movies.  Here’s a look at some of the upcoming movies with a Nascar-bent:

The Transporter Refueled—a Nascar team transporter is low on gas.  The driver refuels it at a truck stop.  The truck leaves.  True story.

Before We Go—Nascar manages to go another year without addressing the fact that its restart policies are virtually unenforceable.

The Visit—Boris Said goes back to his car dealership with the coolest summer vacation story in the world.

90 Minutes in Heaven—My recounting of spending an hour and a half in a stuck elevator with Kelli Stavast.

Everest—Robert Kaufmann climbs the highest mountain in the world, figuring that it’s still easier than trying to make money with Michael Waltrip.