
Kyle Busch Gets Prime Exposure by Skipping Interviews

Joe Gibbs Racing has expressed pride in how driver Kyle Busch was able to gain positive exposure for his sponsors, his team, and his sport by stomping away from his car post-race without doing interviews.
I want YOU to leave me alone
"We really couldn't be happier with the way Kyle handled himself post-race" team manager J.D. Gibbs said.  "To see a multi-millionaire who didn't have things go his way sulk down pit road, refusing all requests to do interviews, it really shows what kind of a driver--and man--Kyle Busch is.
"We know that Kyle could've done what every other driver did and do respectful post-race interviews, but Kyle's obviously a very special guy", Gibbs continued.  "Seeing him walk down pit road head lowered in anger really gets maximum exposure for the big M&M's logo on the back of his firesuit.  And who doesn't love a rebel?  A whiny, ungrateful rebel?"
Busch previously gained positive exposure for his sponsors today by refusing to do interviews after his early-race wreck.
"We're really glad when our driver doesn't stay around us while the work on the car", an unidentified member of Busch's crew said.  "I mean, sure, some guys like a driver to stay there to give moral support, but it's so much better when the face of the team runs to the team hauler to throw a pointless temper tantrum."
Busch was one of two drivers who refused to do interviews, as Michael Waltrip immediately left the track via helicopter in order to dance on tv.