
Charlotte "News" and Notes

--Remember that this weekend's race is a Saturday Night race (meaning lots of shots of the moon, with a few lame jokes by AB tossed in) airing on ABC.  In fact, it is the LAST race scheduled to air on ABC for the foreseeable future, so take a minute to remember the great legacy of tuning in and wondering, "Where's Ned Jarrett?".

--Hey, Jeremy Mayfield--if you're trying to clear your name, you should probably avoid racing in a series with "Outlaws" in its name.

--Trevor Bayne will attempt to run his first race in the #6 AdvoCare Roush-Fenway Ford this weekend.  Now, in theory he could've just run the Wood Bros. car with AdvoCare sponsorship and Roush personnel, thus giving him a better chance of making the race (especially if qualifying was to be rained out), but I guess that just made too much sense.

--Speaking of Ford's 2015 plans, Sam Hornish Jr. was officially introduced as the driver of RPM's #9 (or so they say) car for next season.  Here's hoping their sponsorship plans involve more than "Hey, let's really get Medallion Financial's name out there!".

--The Nascar Xfinity Series logo has officially been released.  The oval-shape evokes a standard stock car track, the current logos of Nascar's other touring series, and the running-around-in-circles people feel they're doing while on the phone with Comcast customer support.