
Denny Hamlin Celebrates in Victory Lane at Daytona

It was a historic day, as a Petty-owned team found its way to Daytona's victory lane for the first time since 1981.  And Denny Hamlin was more-than-happy to help them celebrate, wheeling the car into victory lane with the 43 team.
Denny's previous collaboration
with the Petty's
"Well, I've never had any issues subbing in for a driver in a car that can win, so I was just glad to help out any way I can", Hamlin said while searching for a Smithfield hat to wear.  I mean, I saw the 43 car sitting out there on pit lane, so I looked under the car cover and saw that nobody was behind the wheel!  I slid myself into the seat, and when the called the race, I was ready to celebrate!"
Hamlin will not be credited with the win, which will go to the driver who started the race, Aric Almirola, in the #43.  Almirola was nowhere to be found.
"Aric, I'm so thankful to him for running such a good race until I got here", Hamlin said, "but he's a little--heh-heh--'TIED UP' at the moment.  Y'see, I said 'TIED UP' because I'm alluding to the fact that he's bound and gagged in a bathroom in the media center right now.  Oh, wait, edit that part out, please."
The rest of the 43 team appeared to alternate between dodging the still-falling rain and wondering aloud why Hamlin was celebrating with him, with the phrase, "What do you mean, 'We?'" being heard numerous times.  Hamlin, for his part, was more-than-happy to celebrate.
"It's not very often that you get to celebrate one of these things at Daytona, so I'm gonna make the most of it--Old Milwaukee all around!"