
Phoenix "News" and Notes

--Finally back to real racing!  No, seriously, for real this time!

--After a soggy few days at Daytona, Sprint Cup & Nationwide head out to the desert...where they're calling for torrential rains on Saturday.

--Weather-permitting, this weekend is the debut of group qualifying, thus adding to the drama of who makes the race: Dave Blaney, or Parker Kligerman?

--Daytona 500 champion Dale Earnhardt Jr. will be without his usual spotter this weekend.  The special guest spotter?  Bill Elliott.  Here's hoping Junior doesn't mind hearing the word "awesome" about 400 times.

--This will also be he first race weekend in years that will not have Bobby Labonte involved, for reasons other than "Getting Dingered"

--Oh, and prepare for plenty of "Why are they cutting across the dogleg?" questions.