
Spade Racing Motion Picture Previews: Oscar Bait

Its that time of the year when Hollywood rolls out its "prestige" pictures, hoping that a sensitive think-piece will help people forget all those Ashton Kutcher movies.  Here's a few with a racing angle:

The Fifth Estate--Jack Roush spends two hours complaining about how Nascar forced him to sell the #26 team, ruining all his plans for the big Kevin Lepage comeback.

12 Years a Slave--When Michael Waltrip's personal assistant is informed that he's only worked for him for three years, he simply responds, "It FEELS like 12 years when you're giving Mikey his daily sponge bath".

Escape Plan--Brian Vickers tries to find a way out of his MWR contract to pursue his dreams of racing for a team that doesn't cheat (so basically the Wood Bros. or Leavine Family Racing).

All is Lost--Jimmy Elledge deals with the failure to get his autobiography published: Most Elledgeable Bachelor.

Bad Grandpa--Mark Martin tricks the Nascar world into forgetting that he hasn't won a race in almost three years.

About Time--Nascar tries to run a race postponed by weather at a time that fans can actually watch (note: this is a fantasy film).

Last Vegas--The Busch Brothers get themselves thrown out of their local dirt track one last time for old time's sake.