
Lets Blow it Up and Start Over: The All-Star Race

In the fifth entry into an ongoing series capped at "several", we take a look at an aspect of Nascar that needs improving, then completely change it from the ground-up.

I think that the proof that Nascar had really "arrived" as a major-league sport was when fans started complaining non-stop about its All-Star event.  Think about it--when was the last time you were excited for the NHL's All-Star Game?  The NBA's?  When was the last time you even WATCHED the Pro Bowl?  Sure, baseball's still gets decent ratings, but other than when players are ready to retire, when was the last time you really cared about it?
With that being said, "fixing" the Sprint All-Star Race is a pretty tall order.  Its tough to get people fired up about a non-points event (see: the Sprint Unlimited) but we can still try…

Eligibility:  Drivers who have won this season or the season before are eligible, as is the defending All-Star winner.  And as far as automatic births go, THAT'S IT.

Track/Timing:  This is a pretty big can of worms.  People always talk about moving the event around, but would anyone else besides Las Vegas or Texas really want to host it?  Also, wouldn't some of the teams complain to high heaven if their built-in off-week disappeared?  So here's my idea:  Have the All-Star race in Charlotte every-other-year (say, even numbered years).  In the other (odd numbered) years, move it around to different venues.  Keep it the same week on the schedule, and open the race up to bidding by the tracks.  And hey, if nobody wants it a second time, take it back to Charlotte permanently.

The Showdown:  Keep it to where anybody who's in the top-50 in points (who hasn't locked himself into the All-Star Race) is eligible.  Have a 30-lap segment, then a 5-lap competition yellow (to allow teams to pit if they so choose), then a 20-lap segment to finish it out.  The winner and runner-up make it in to the All-Star race.  Yes, this isn't much different from what they do now, but the event is pretty well meaningless anyways.

The Fan Vote:  Now THIS is an idea whose time has clearly passed.  I'd say to get rid of the fan vote entirely.  It serves virtually no purpose, and letting people like a slumping Dale Jr. or Danica Patrick make the race devalues the entire concept of an "All-Star" event.

The Race Format:  The format's been changed so many times, its tough to figure out if ANY of the ways work best.  That's why they need to do something VERY simple:  SIMPLY IT.  Take away some of the gimmickry and only have one-or-two "tweaks", and it'll be a better judge of the best of the best, instead of who can game the system better.  (And while we're at it--Speed/Fox, if you screw up your on-air math again, you're gonna get smacked).  I'd like to see a mix of a long-run and a short-run, so maybe a 50-lap segment, followed by 5-lap competition caution with a mandatory four-time pit-stop.  Then, a 30-lap segment, followed again by a 5-lap competition caution with an optional pit stop.  Then a 20-lap dash to the finish.  Oh, and if a driver wins all three segments, he doubles his winnings.

So, that's it!  (Message for Bruton--don't call me, I'll call you)