
A Commercial I'd Like to See

(Open with images of the old "Red Bull Racing" shop sitting empty)

(Sarah McLachlan's "Angel" plays in the background)

"Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance, for a break that would make it OK"

(dissolve to shot of Sarah McLachlan sitting with Brian Vickers)

Sarah McLachlan: "Hi, I'm Sarah McLachlan.  Every year careless Nascar team owners negligently let drivers like Brian here go, with no place to call home, no car to drive."

(Images of Reed Sorenson looking mournfully into the camera)

"In the arms of the angel, fly away from here"

SMcL: "That's why I'm urging you to join me in supporting the APCMD: The Association to Prevent Cruelty to Millionaire Drivers.  Your donation will go straight to work, helping keep Nascar's former drivers of the future from winding up in an ESPN 30 for 30 special."

(Image of Michael McDowell holding 'Will Race for Food' cardboard sign)

"You are pulled from the wreckage"

(Image of Michael McDowell holding 'Very Funny, Sarah' cardboard sign)

"Of your silent reverie"

SMcL: "If you want to make a difference, if you want to stop today's millionaires from becoming tomorrow's hundred-thousandaires, give generously.  Any amount helps, though our favorite amount is 'A Lot'."

Brian Vickers: "Um, am I allowed to talk?"

SMcL: "Quiet you."

"In the arms of the angel, may you fiiiiiiiind some comfort heeeeere"