
Obsessive Commercial Disorder

If you watch Nascar, you've probably seen this year's crop of Aaron's commercials, featuring Michael Waltrip and Mark Martin.  The second half of the Sprint Cup season will bring a second batch of ads--here's a preview!

The Michael Waltrip Ad:  "Its been quite a year for this Aaron's Dream Machine.  Mark Martin's shown some real speed, but its been interesting having him around the shop.  I've never seen someone so meticulous!  He spends hours making sure his seat is perfectly aligned!  He wipes down his windshield exactly 32 times every day.  He says that if he doesn't, his house will burn down!  Boy, its great to have Mark on the team, but does he REALLY need to flick the lightswitches seven times every time he leaves a room?"

The Mark Martin Ad:  "Running the Aaron's Dream Machine for Michael Waltrip has been QUITE an experience.  Its been great running a fast car for a fast team, but Michael and I, well, we're really an odd couple.  I mean, he leaves garbage in the team hauler!  He thinks its weird that I scrub the floor boards of my cars with a brillo pad every night--who doesn't?  And he makes fun of me for ending every conversation with 'OK, got it, good'.  I mean, how does he even quiet the voices, the demon voices that make us go crazy, OK got it, good?"

The Brian Vickers Ad:  "Hi--remember me?  Nah, I don't either.  Go shop at A-rods, or whatever the heck this place is called."