
Jimmie Johnson Tries to Change Image with "Wacky" Rainbow Wig

Jimmie Johnson didn't shock anybody by running away with today's Dover race.  But he DID attempt to shock everybody with his "wild" rainbow wig, seen in pre-and-post-race activities.
"See, its a rainbow wig!  Its rainbow-colored!  And big and curly!  Its totally out-of-character for me!" said an overly excited Johnson in Victory Lane.  "I made sure that all 7,000 fans saw me in the pre-race, and now all 500 fans who stayed can see me here!  Its wacky Jimmie Johnson!"
"There's no need for anybody to call me vanilla anymore!", Johnson continued.  "Unless you call me vanilla with RAINBOW SPRINKLES!  Get it?  Rainbow!  Sprinkles!  Vanilla Ice Cream!"
Johnson, renowned for his dominating performance overshadowing his cool demeanor, has said that showing "…more of (his) wild side" was an important goal of his.  His "nutty" summer plans include wearing huge sunglasses, sticking his tongue out at a camera man, and making a prank radio call to Chad Knaus looking for a "Mike Rotch".
"This isn't your slightly-older-brother's Jimmie Johnson, this is the crazy, exciting, thrill-a-minute Jimmie Johnson!  Heck, I might even legally change my middle name to Danger!"
While placing a rainbow wig on the Miles the Monster trophy in Victory Lane "…because its so craaaazy!", Matt Kenseth pointed out that his car was the "Worst Buy" of the day, leaving the assembled media in stitches.