
The Rain Pain—Possible Impossible Solutions

What will we have more of this year:
Rain delays or Harvick wins?
2018 in Nascar Cup has had two overarching themes—Chevrolets sucking and plenty of rain disrupting races.  While people often complain about how rain will shorten, delay, or completely postpone a race, little is offered in the way of solutions.

That’s where I come in!

Pros: Tarps stored under the SAFER barriers could be deployed within minutes of the first raindrops (especially at smaller tracks) either by track personnel or an automatic system.  And once the rain stops, you have a dry track ready for action.  
Cons: How many races would it be until someone wrecks and the tarp accidentally deploys?  And you just KNOW Kenny Wallace would do a “rain delay slide routine” and act like he’s never heard of Rick Dempsey.

Pros: Theory goes that if cars keep going around it will dispel the moisture in the air, essentially “splitting” the storm around the track.
Cons: Besides the whole matter of science proving that it doesn’t work, would anyone want to hear Darrell Waltrip even MORE emboldened to share his “wisdom” with us?

Pros: By putting a roof over the track, racing would be able to occur no matter the weather—rain, snow, or otherwise.  Fans would be protected from the elements, and the infield could be used for multiple other non-racing events.
Cons: Running a car in an enclosed space is usually how people kill themselves.

Pros: Grooved tires would allow the rain water to be wicked away from I can’t even pretend that this is a viable option.  
Cons: Tires need to be ungrooved (“slick”) in order to stick to banked tracks.  Banking would cause the water to pool on the apron and in the pits.  Any other moisture would be splashed onto fans.  And who the heck wants to watch a race in the rain anyways?  Well, besides weirdo sports car fans?

Pros: The most-sensible solution is the one we have now—waiting out the rain, drying the track, and in a worst-case scenario, waiting until the next day.
Cons: But I have work tomorrow!!!