
Martinsville "News" and Notes

--And then there were EIGHT.  And by that, I mean eight fans left in the world who haven't complained about this year's Chase format.

--Last week's nuttiness in qualifying shows that at a plate track, ANYBODY has a shot to make the race.  The time is just about right in 2015 for a Phil Barkdoll comeback!

--In a pretty cool move, Martinsville will have Junior Johnson driving the pace car this Sunday.  Martinsville is great about remembering the sport's long-ago past, what with the rural setting, legendary grand marshals, and allowing Norm Benning to remain relevant.

--Speaking of Norm Benning, the Truck Series runs on Saturday.  The Nationwide Series remains on its brief hiatus while Elliott Sadler tries to figure out who to blame for not winning the championship.

--The #44 team has made a name change, from Xxxtreme Motorsports to Team Xtreme Racing.  Team Xtreme--66% less X's, still completely pointless.