
Is This The Most-Garish Paint Scheme of All-Time?

Maybe M&M's owns Fruit Stripe gum

I don't think Bill Elliott
would call THIS
Just by looking at that image, it's now permanently seared into your brain (and possibly your retinas).  However, despite the possible vision damage to fans everywhere, Interstate Batteries has determined that this look will run next week at Daytona.  But WHY?

--Sure, it'll gain some attention, some press, and probably a lame joke or two from the TNT crew (assuming their audio is working).  But I don't think this is a situation where "any publicity is good publicity".  I mean, I doubt that someone will be sitting around a few days later working on their car, going, "Hmmm, I need a new battery--better go to that place that had the god-awful looking car!"

--The look most-closely resembles Zubaz, a type of pajama-pant that was briefly in-style in the early-1990's.  Sure, they could be trying to bring it back, but Zubaz were most-popular amongst weight-lifters.  Kyle Busch looks like he'd pass out trying to pick-up the weight bar.

--The spotter will have no trouble seeing this car, especially under the bright lights of a night race.  However, it's a plate race.  The spotter is essentially going to be saying "outside, inside" all night long.
So be warned--this paint scheme is coming, coming soon, and might burn a hole in your TV.